Terra Ag
Agronomy Services
The agronomy team provide the following services;
On farm visits, agronomic advice and paddock recommendation’s
Follow up phone calls, emails and personalised contact
Soil, petiole and plant tissue testing and recommendation
Advice on rotations, fertiliser requirements, new crops
Paddock walks and preseason meetings
On-farm trials
Cotton Consultancy
Variable rate prescriptions of fertilisers and soil amelioration products
Drone and satellite imagery
Water and Gross Margin Budgets
The Terra Ag Agronomy Team is recognised in having extensive experience in broad acre cropping, viticultural and Pastures grown in the area.
Terra Ag Agronomy draws on its local expertise in selection, timing and application of seed, chemical and fertiliser products to give its farmer clients the greatest chance of achieving the highest possible yields and quality produce. Engaging the client throughout this process, agronomists aim to form a working relationship to obtain the best possible result on a farm to farm basis.
Agronomists have access to all major suppliers’ technical support and have been accredited to sell and service their products.
Terra Ag Services utilise Back Paddock Software, Production Wise and Summit GIS software to GPS reference grower’s farms, paddocks, cropping plans and budgets on a per paddock basis.